Trauma and Abuse Recovery

Once Broken, Now Beautiful

During my training in art therapy, I became fascinated with the pottery repair method Kintsugi.

An ancient Japanese tradition, Kintsugi involves mending broken ceramics with gold.  Kintsugi makes the mended piece even more beautiful than the original – and symbolizes the beauty of the repair process.

I find the concept of Kintsugi a wonderful analogy to the healing process that you and I will undertake in our work together.

Empty Phrases – Empty Vessel

They say a lot of things: “It was for your higher good.” “All part of the grand plan.” “What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger…” Blah blah BLAH. They mean well.

Empty platitudes – to match the emptiness you feel inside.

But you want more – so much more. You want to feel good enough.

Other people aren’t being mean – they just don’t understand what you’ve been through. You don’t even understand what you have been through. No one knows how hard you work just to appear “happy” or “normal” or “stable.”

And honestly, how could anyone understand?

I’m sorry you suffered abuse. What compassionate person could truly understand why such horrible things happen to good people at all ages.

What I do understand is the nature of abuse, what seems like an entire lineage of horrifying memories, and the incredible shift required to heal yourself.

I see you. I know you want to be free – to release the burden of the past – so you can simply feel normal and become the person you were intended to be! And you can!

You can rise from this!

You will bring in what is broken, and we will do the repair work together.

If you’re willing, I’ll lead you to your own sense of safety and emotional security.

Together, we can repair your broken parts with emotional gold that will bind you back together in a beautiful way – so you’re stronger, more resilient, more capable.

And then you can see your life clearly and stop your suffering.

Restored – and Glowing

Thankfully, the analogy of Kintsugi does not end with brokenness and desperation.

It ends with reconstruction, renewal, and healing.

Reach out today at (248) 504-7406 for a free consultation.

Once restored, you can fill your life with all the good things you deserve.