Intimate and Family Relationships

“I love you.”

It’s beautiful to hear sometimes – but what do those simple three words truly mean? And, more importantly, what do you hear behind them when someone says them to you?

Do your loved ones see, hear, and validate you fully? Do they celebrate your victories and support you in your defeats in a way that meets your needs?

And when your loved ones interact with you, are you the person you want to be in your relationships?

You deserve “I love you.”

Yes, you are worthy. You deserve companionship, belonging, affection, and fulfillment.

You were not meant to be an island – alone and suffering. You were designed for relationship.

And your most important relationships deeply affect your health. I don’t need to tell you this – because you already know how much it can hurt. But you also dream of how satisfying and wonderful it could be.

You long for that kind of bond. You want to be the best and get the best from your relationships. And you can. It’s just that the pathway there may surprise you.

The most satisfying communion begins from within.

That’s right. To realize your relationship dreams, we’ll start with you. I’ll help you steer your inner compass to invest in the right people at the right times – for you.

As we work together, you’ll develop extraordinary clarity. You’ll start to see every relationship with new eyes. You’ll begin to realize how deeply and profoundly you impact others and they impact you.

You’ll discover the confidence it takes to cultivate genuine, lasting purpose and meaning.

Your confusion and angst will unravel – and you’ll know how to move forward and honor those truly special people in your life – beginning with yourself!

Sometimes that means boundaries.  

Along the journey, you’ll also discover a new and more powerful “No.”

It’s a universal fact: if you live long enough, somebody is going to push – and violate – your boundaries.

It is your work – the work you and I do together in a trusting and committed environment – and your honest and thorough investigation of what no longer serves you and is no longer worth your time – that will allow you to move forward with a confident and self-assertive “No!”

This is a deeply personal journey, and you must commit fully to doing your own work first – then working on your relationships second. The results will amaze you.

First Things First: “I love ME.”

I work with couples and families only after all parties commit to working on themselves in some capacity.

We’ll make the internal shifts first – and then savor the differences in your external relationships.

I can’t wait to share my expertise in this process to help you improve the most meaningful relationships in your life – starting with YOU.

Magnify the love in your life.

You know what your heart desires.

If this journey speaks to you, call me today for a free consultation.

Let me help you start loving more fully – so you can start living more fully.