The Origins of Eucalyptus

There is a pleasure in the  pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea, and music in its roar:
I love not Man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before,
To mingle with the Universe, and feel
What I can ne’er express, yet cannot all conceal.
-George Gordon, Lord Byron
from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

Natural Insight

I love travel. I love people and being in the public world.

But, like Byron, I find the truest nourishment and rejuvenation during walks in nature and time with myself.

I find a peace in forests and wildlands I can rarely cultivate in a densely populated area – as if nature itself inspires me to create spontaneous moments of contemplation and reflection.

Wisdom from the Trees

Many species of trees bring me a sense of ease and nourishment. I even named my daughter after a favorite from the lakes of my childhood.

Later, my husband and I lived in a sea of enormous redwoods and sequoias. Towering Eucalyptus sprang up by the nearby Pacific Ocean and filled the air with their wonderful scent.

I found magic there in those lands and realized my dreams through the insights I gained while offering myself space and time away from everything I knew.

Not Broken but Beautiful

Like so many others, I believed myself incomplete – or somehow very broken. My time in nature was the catalyst of a powerful awakening.

Now, if I weep, I cry tears of joy at the recognition of how exquisite life can be. Now, I live a life knowing I’ve always been whole.

Sharing My Blessings

Trees grow by deep roots which hold the earth while opening to the sunlight. They teach us about longevity and patience.

For me, eucalyptus trees are a prayer, a hope of a better world.

It is no coincidence that they have a strong medicinal scent which can soothe the lungs… which is the organ in Chinese medicine which is said to hold and store sadness and grief.

I chose Eucalyptus Counseling Services as the name of the work I do because I want you to know that you, too, are whole.

I want to help you uncover your imagination, find your dream life, and then have the courage to live it out.

Since my work is focused on healing from trauma, it made sense to me to honor and infuse my practice with this amazing species of trees as support and guidance outside of myself.

To tap into something greater than myself to help you! Plus… it’s fun to say. Much Harder to spell. 😉

Anything but Coincidental

That’s why you’re here.

Let me help you sort out all the constant confusing messages that bombard living in this crazy world.

In honor of the forests that burned, the lives lost, and of the ancestors who carried us to this moment – in honor of all there is, I hope you’ll join me in this journey.

Reach out today: (248) 504-7406.

Let me help you fill your life with peace, clarity, renewal, and vibrancy.