Self-Sabotage – Recognizing and Releasing

Flash Back in Time

You’re 18 and out at a Saturday night party. You should be having a blast, but there you stand – all alone, next to the chip table, nursing a bottle of beer, no idea what to do.

You want to reach out to people, be the center of attention, have a little fun, but you’re paralyzed (except for the robotic motion of tip, sip, and stare), driven inward by crippling shyness, and utterly silent.

This place of internal fear is incredibly overpowering and burdensome.

Even though the liquid courage took the edge off the awkwardness, you were still a bundle of nerves.

So, what did you do?

Maybe you drank too much, pretended to like someone you didn’t, or just flat out walked away. Your destructive coping skills had endless possibilities and potential.

Whatever you did, it was all a desperate effort to fit in – to feel acceptance… and even love.

And you’ve longed for those same feelings ever since.

Excuse me while I… disappear.

The isolation has grown since then – it’s become a sinking feeling you’d like to escape, but it won’t go away.

Fear of intimacy has destroyed most of your relationships. You tend to lose good people in your life – partners you’ve loved – because it’s so terrifying.

But why?

You’ve begun to wonder whether it’s inevitable. Are you destined to spend your life alone?

Vulnerability is scary.

I understand. I do.

Opening yourself up sucks – you’re exposing yourself with great risk and no promise of reward.

And you have an immense fear of being vulnerable.

So, you self-sabotage, instead –

But there’s a better, healthier way.

As we work together, you’ll learn that self-sabotage isn’t self-protection. It’s really just you – pretending that you don’t matter.

You’ll also learn that those feelings you fear won’t, in fact, destroy you.

But if you don’t deal with them – they will destroy others.

That’s where I come in.

I help men – just like you – who find themselves sabotaging important relationships in their lives because of low self-worth, fear of intimacy, and past negative experiences.

Through our work together, you’ll learn to embrace your vulnerability – while rebuilding your confidence and self-esteem.

Armed with a new openness to show your true self, you’ll discover your power to create lasting and impactful connections – both personally and professionally.

Getting Real – and Getting It Right

Instead, you’ll learn to soothe the parts of you that hurt and say the right thing at the right time.

You’ll stop wasting precious time you could be using to cultivate deep and rewarding relationships.

Above all else, you’ll gain courage.

Because you deserve it.

You are worthy. You are enough. And you deserve the kind of deep and satisfying connections you’ve been dreaming about for years.

Call me now at (248) 504-7406 to move forward in a new, healthy way.

Break free from the isolation of the past and embrace the assertive you of the future.