Become the Person You Were Intended to Be

Therapy for Adults

In-office and virtual sessions available for Michigan residents

Every day feels more confusing than the last.

Life has become scattered and unmanageable.

Feelings of confusion, overwhelm, and resentment seem to flood in from nowhere.

You want to make a change, but you just don’t know how.

You tell yourself that you shouldn’t need help…

I can smile. I can go to work.

I’m a grown-ass person, and I should be able to handle this on my own.

But the harder you are on yourself, and the more shit you talk, the worse you feel.

If only things were different…

If there was someone to sit with me and help me figure this out.

Someone who could see through this façade of strength I keep up to protect myself.

A place where I could face my fears and find the strength to move forward.

You deserve to be free and happy!

Who actually knows themselves, really?

We all try to make the best we can out of each moment and hope that when we look back, the total of those moments equals a good life, right?

But, you don’t really have time to look back now; you have too much work to do. You’re too busy being a good friend or a good family member.

But you ask yourself… Where is my life? When do I get my break? When will the world allow me to rest and reflect and heal?

Embrace the things that matter most to you.

Hi, I’m Amber…

And I’m excited to get to know and understand you!

I want to help you uncover your strongest inspiration, your greatest gifts and your deepest joys.

Together, we will create a total plan for your wellness and emotional safety and security.

We will work through your difficulties and get you back to doing what you were put here to do.

Welcome to yourself! Enjoy the ride.

Let’s create a new paradigm for your life.

Let’s find out what works! You can learn how to find peace in knowing you tried your hardest,
and that’s good enough!

It’s time to “Throw your hands in the air and wave ’em like you just don’t care!”

Come on, let’s have some fun discovering the person you were meant to be.